joy. peace. justice. love.
The Rev. Dr. Charles L. Howard is called to work for a communal increase in joy, peace, justice, and love. Dr. Howard serves as the University Chaplain and Vice President for Social Equity and Community at the University of Pennsylvania, his alma mater. He has served as a chaplain in hospice and hospitals, and as a street outreach worker to individuals experiencing homelessness. As an author , his work has been featured in such publications as Sojourners Magazine, The Christian Century, Christianity Today’s Leadership Journal, Chronicle of Higher Education, The Huffington Post, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Daily Good, Urban Cusp, The Forward, Black Theology: An International Journal, and Slate. He has authored and edited several books, including The Souls of Poor Folk, which explored new ways of considering homelessness and poverty, The Awe and The Awful, a poetry collection and Lenten Devotional, Black Theology as Mass Movement, a call to theologians to expand the reach of their theological work, and Pond River Ocean Rain, a small book about going deeper with a big God. As a teacher, he has taught in the College of Arts and Sciences and in the Graduate School of Education at Penn, as well as at The Lutheran Theological Seminary of Philadelphia.